Ken's Think Tank
“Ken’s Think Tank” is a web series talk show that takes place . . . in my truck! My name is Ken Collins. I pick up guests who want to chat about a topic of interest to them, we grab some coffee, and we drive through town chatting about their topic of choice. You never know what’s going to happen on these drives – so tune in to find out! All episodes are available in video format at
Ken's Think Tank
Are Safe Words Necessary?
Ken Collins / Carrie Inskeep / Alisha Martinelli
Season 7
Episode 6
Carrie Inskeep & Alisha Martinelli on Ken’s Think Tank Season 7, Episode 6
Carrie likes to talk – a LOT. Since she and Alisha are now hosting the Female Encounters of the Life Kind podcast, Carrie thought it might be wise if they were to come up with a safe word when she’s talking too much so Alisha can give her the hint to bring it down a few notches.
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